Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Marketing is so Cool...

Here's the deal folks. There are times when commercials, and advertisements are so up in your face, that they drive you absolutely nuts.  There are times when if you see another advertisement featuring animated budgies flapping under a mans underarms, you think you may actually shoot someone.  The Chud for example, wrote off a certain Sandwich store due to an advertising campaign.

But there's the opposite end of that problem, when sometimes you see something that is so bloody cool, you actually want to go out and buy the product immediately, you want to rush out and spend your hard earned money on no more evidence than a cool advertisement.  Which is why I want to fly on KLM.

Click after the jump for two such advertising campaigns that set my wallet on fire.

The Chud also showed me one of the greatest Football ads I've ever seen, as produced by Nike.  Featuring none other than Shrek himself, Manchester United's Finest: Wayne Rooney.

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