Welcome Gentlemen and Ladies, to this episode of the Drunken Poet. Today I want to address something that has been bothering me for many long years. The role of the Man. Not the ridiculous "Man" that Commies like Sand Vagina believe in. I mean the Man's man. Clint Eastwood meets John Wayne kick ass, take names, and slap the hot waitress on the ass type man. What happened to us? We've been so destroyed by society into recognizing our feelings, and falling down over emotions and politeness that we've lost our natural disposition of burley, uncouth, conquering soldiers that live life by Testosterone and Balls alone. In case you're unsure... testosterone is what makes us men. Look that shit up, science has my back.
Also, I failed to make note of it, I will be starting a new feature on the Blog, at the end of every post I'll be posting a drink of the day/post type thing. My gift to you, my alcohol swilling brethren. Below the elusive break, you'll find your way into a world of tanks, planes, and flame. To witness some of the most awesome and awe-inspiring man stories ever, hit the break, and read up. Opinions and words after all, are for chicks.