First topic: Hot Nerdy chicks. I'm a nerd, I'm a nerd who loves sports, but more than anything, I'm a nerd. The logo I've created in the top right corner is an amalgum of The Squadron Crest for Rogue Squadron, and Manchester United. That's how nerdy I am. Thus, when I repost this picture, you'll understand why this is so amazingly sexy to a man like me. As a nerd, we most often believe that there are no sufficiently nerdy chicks to keep up with our nerdiness.
When we locate one, whether it be in a video game atmosphere, being awesome at something to do with science, anything, we latch onto them and find them to be the most attractive creatures that the Good Lord has graced this planet with. So I pass this onto you. THEY DO EXIST.
Next Topic: Star Wars.
I was reading an article about something yesterday, something concerning a Darth Vader alarm clock, and whether it was Just Geek, or Geek Chic. What in the name of God is Geek Chic? Did it all of a sudden become cool to be a geek? Are the geeks pulling in all the ladies in High School now? Did some massive planetary shift come about where a mans ability to roll a... crap, I never played Dungeons and Dragons so I don't know what a good roll is. But I know they use 12 sided die, so I'll go with that.
The answer is no. The world still revolves around the beautiful people and the jocks. The natural order has been maintained. However Star Wars seems to be the one thing that allows the non-Geeks to exist in the same breathing space as the Geek. Star Wars is like the Rosetta Stone, translating the Paleolithic Grunts of the Sports Culture into the Photons and Lasers of the Geek. Everyone likes Star Wars, some more than others, but everyone can relate to Han Solo (badass), Lando Calrissian (pimp) and Luke Skywalker (Whiney Bitch). As for those people who don't like Star Wars: Fuck You.
Next Topic: Gadgets
On the weekend, while I was out with Volume Control & The Littlest Terrorist, I was privy to one of the saddest and most hilarious conversations, that I'm sure almost everyone else in the world has been involved in. The features of this persons or that person's smart phone. This model does this and plays these songs and has the movie 300 on it. But that one gets more service etc etc etc. It's like the geeky equivalent of comparing scars or cock lengths. But it's something everyone loves, everyone enjoys having the latest gadget, the latest abd best toys. To our right is a milk jug that tests PH levels to tell you if it has gone sour. Just one more piece of tech amongst a littany of useless and wonderful additions to the world. I myself am extremely prone to both Gadget Bravado and Gadget Envy. I bought a 47" LCD TV, when I only really needed a 40 to be a massive upgrade. Why? Because Volume Control has a 40" and I needed to one up him. So I'm petty, whatever, it makes life fun. One of the best sites out there, besides Likecool and Geekologie that are listed on my site links, is It's great. it's also where the Milk Jug came from.
Anyways, post out. Tuesday done. On a trip with English this week, so I won't be back.
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