Friday, March 19, 2010

The Friday Edition

Well, I didn't feel the need, and/or have the time at work to post anything yesterday.  But never fear, Friday is here and on Fridays, comes a day of slacking, or reading funny websites, and thinking back on the week that has passed.  And planning what sort of idiocy I can get up to on the weekend, which is looking pretty boring at this moment.

To start things off, I'll pass on this amazing group of awesomeness, a group of superheroes just Partying Hard somewhere in Scotland.  Crazy bloody Scots, how I love you.
Thanks to the Geekologie for discovering this, and to find the actual Google Maps Location: Click Here

Now, moving onto the more fun aspect of the world, where I simply sit down and explain a little bit more about my Blog.  This is literally just an exercise in self-indulgence. I write down crap, that most people probably won't read, because I am attempting to catalogue my experiences in life.  I have a few very dear friends, who will appear in this Blog under Code Names, as I don't want to have to give them a share of my future millions. Seriously. I'm a cheap bastard.  You've already been introduced to Sand Vagina and The Chud, and I've mentioned British. They'll appear a lot.  One man who I have failed to mention so far, is Volume Control.  But now I've mentioned him, and there's no particular story to go along with him today, I just didn't want him to feel left out; and I wanted him to discover his blog code-name.

I really don't know where else I was going with this post, so I'll leave it there.  Oh, and with a watermelon Death Star. 

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